
The Paint-Party Artist

Rimjhim Garg- Founder, ArtDelight Group


An ardent art lover, a feminist, a traveler and a strong believer of compassion & peace, Rimjhim Garg, is the founder of ‘ArtDelight Group’, which conducts painting parties in various cafes. Rimjhim’s lively personality reveals in her artwork and she envisions developing a community where people connect with each other through Art.

Rimjhim hails from Kanpur, a small town in Uttar Pradesh. She had always aspired to become an ‘Engineer’, being the only path she had an exposure to. With her 5 years stint in the IT sector and an appealing financial stability, she switched to entrepreneurship when she realized the missing happiness in her work life.

Painting had always been her savior then, which evolved as a form of meditation for her in those chaotic days. She used to design something brilliant out of trash and sketching was her hobby, which eventually made her answer the calling for painting, that proved to be that missing vibe her in life. Soon, she inaugurated ‘ArtDelight Group’ besides her job and now she is expanding the horizons of designing with a full time profession in Art.

She shares gratitude to her family and friends who always believed in her during the time she was struggling to discover her love for craft. 

She exclaims, “Their support made this rollercoaster journey a bit easier to survive”. 

Her people made her push the boundaries, which even she never thought of doing, and soon everything fit well into the picture. 

She believes, “Indeed, magic happens outside our comfort zone”.

“In this era of multitasking, time management had become a huge hurdle for me”, says the soulful Painter, Rimjhim Garg.

Maintaining the balance between her corporate job and her dream- ‘ArtDelight Group’ was the real struggle, which demanded efficiency in both. 

“Socializing and self-interest became a ‘luxury’ for me, as my time, efforts and mind-space was already occupied in juggling between job and passion”, she recalls.

And another big challenge she had to face, was to convince cafes and pubs to provide their space for conducting such events.


The most difficult decision to make in this millennial generation is to risk the financial stability, especially in the scenarios where people are surviving on weekend parties & trips, which she claims to be the comfort zone. Breaking that shell and coming out of the comfort zone was an arduous task for her. And another big challenge she faced, was to spread awareness about the ideas behind her project. 


“Breaking the stereotype that Art is for kids was again a thing because ‘People socializing over Art’ is not an everyday phenomenon that you get to hear”, admits Rimjhim.

Realizing that in hectic schedules for people in the cities like Bangalore, finding out some dedicated time could be a great weekend takeaway for them, she soon initiated hosting painting parties. To her utter surprise, the response was overwhelming as Art helped them to relax and rejuvenate. 

“People started showing interest in painting parties and that’s how we identified the ample scope for our project in the market”, she reveals. 

“And after that, numerous corporates contacted us for carrying out painting party as an incredible part of their team building activity”, says Rimjhim with a smile.

Rimjhim holds her work ethics, beliefs and values really close to her heart and credits her pleasing encounters with people in these evolving years, which has helped her become who she is today.

“My father has always taught me not to forget my roots, no matter what, I can never leave behind, where I have come from, and I strongly believe that this is what defines you and shapes you in many ways”, shares Rimjhim Garg.



  • The 2.5 successful years of ‘ArtDelight Group’, brought the group great recognition for their amazing and unique work.

Their work is recognized by ‘The Economic Times of India’, ‘Bangalore Mirror’ and ‘Deccan Herald’.

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